Connecting with your superpower.
You’ll have heard me say it more than once; I believe your chronic illness is your superpower.
Your chronic illness holds SO much untapped wisdom, wisdom that can be used like a bespoke map designed to get you to where you want to go in the most streamlined way for you.
And yet, ‘I can’t do X because of my chronic illness’ is something I think we’ve all said at one time or another.
The obstacle is the way…
Let’s say for a minute that your chronic illness is an obstacle that makes it very difficult for you to do the things you want to do in life.
With that hat on, we’re now going to see it as the way you get to do those things. Forget the obstacle being the way…your chronic illness is the way!
It’s my firm belief that it’s not your chronic illness getting in the way of you feeling better and living the life you want to live.
It’s the way you’ve been conditioned to believe you have to live life…the way that has no room for the individuality of chronic illness.
My solution for this? You don’t have to live your life or go after your dreams and ambitions in any one way. In fact, the way that’s been written by the status quo probably won’t fit you at all.
There is no rule or ‘way things are done’ that can’t be questioned. You get to decide exactly how you want to live your life…and then you get to actually live it. Your chronic illness is an expert guide. It’s your superpower.
Here’s what I know; if you follow the intelligence and wisdom of your chronic illness, if you embrace it as your ally, things will feel better for you, you will step into That Life, and you’ll reach your goals/ambitions/wants far quicker than if you ignore it, fight it and push it away.
Bring to mind a goal or ambition you have, something you’ve had in your sights for a while but has always felt at arms length. One that, if you’ve tried to move towards it, it’s felt clunky, difficult and there have been plenty of roadblocks along the way. You’ve probably put those roadblocks down to your chronic illness on more than one occasion.
What have your attempts to move towards that goal or ambition looked like so far? Write/think about in as much detail as you can.
Where did the script for those attempts come from? What made you believe you had to go about them in that way?
Now I want you to connect to the wisdom of your chronic illness. What is it asking of you? What is it telling you you need right now? And what does it tell you you need in a bigger picture sense? Think about what you’ve worked on so far this week… What do I really need? and What is my chronic illness asking of me?
Think about your goal/ambition as a clean slate. What would it look like to bring more of what you need into your plans for achieving that goal/ambition moving forward?
E.g. if it’s rest, what does it look like to consider that to achieve your goal/ambition, you need to build more rest into your life?
Describe how the picture of that feels…
Do you have any questions/concerns around how that will work? What would make those questions/concerns smaller? E.g. support…
What’s the first step you’re going to take?
The next time you feel stuck or like you don’t know which direction to go in next, ask yourself;
If I was wearing my chronic illness superpower cape right now, what would I do? Trust in that.
P.S. A power pose can really help you step into that superpower!