03 Nurturing self-worth.

Today we’re going to explore a few more actions and behaviours that are not only the result of an improving sense of self-worth, they can also be used to further bolster how you regard yourself as a human.

But before we dive in, I want to touch on the practices in this module.

Whilst I absolutely love creating a symbiotic relationship between actions and outcomes - they work really well when it comes to building self-concept - I want to highlight that ‘failure’ to do them need not reflect negatively on self-worth (or self-esteem for that matter).  If you struggle to do something that’s been designed to strengthen self-worth, don’t then use that as a stick to beat yourself with… use it as an opportunity to show yourself acceptance and compassion.

The focus for today is going to be on a few ‘pillars’ that not only act as great self-worth barometers, they provide a framework for you to get creative about how you might express your improving sense of self-worth.

  • Boundaries

  • Planning

  • Support

  • Wants and needs

  • Backing yourself


Get comfy and engage an upright yet relaxed position. Take a few deep breaths, and observe the flow of your breath as it enters and leaves. 

Bring your focus to your heart, and as you breathe in, feel as if your heart is opening and softening; as you breathe out, release any tension or resistance.

Tune into your inner compassion and send it to wherever you need it right now.  Cross your arms over your body and give yourself a squeeze, placing your hands wherever they are being pulled to go.  Stay like this for a while.

I’d like you to bring yourself to mind.  Picture the You that knows their value and worth.  Spend a couple of minutes tuning into all the things you know to be true about yourself that support that.  E.g. I am a kind and supportive friend.

Return to your breath, and if you feel ready, bring some movement back into your fingers and toes, then slowly blink open your eyes. 

For the next part of this practice, I invite you to flit between eyes open and eyes closed, to help you tune in and connect.

Now bring yourself back to that image.  Describe it.  How does this version of you carry themselves?  What about the image is really making itself known?  What colours can you see, and what might they symbolise?  What’s the energy being portrayed?  Anything you can touch, smell or feel?  What’s that about?  (make a note of these in the workbook if you find that helpful)

Feel a bit deeper into it; what message do I - as a person who embodies this identity - need to receive?

What can I do/practice to tap into the power of this identity?

What conditions can I create that will nurture an environment for choosing myself?

In the workbook, I’d like you to visit each of the ‘pillars’ mentioned earlier, and note down some ideas of how you can express the sense of high self-worth you’ve just connected to, within the pillars.

E.g. In the boundaries pillar, you might write about how you want to create some time of solitude for yourself (and write about why this is important).  If during the visualisation, you noticed bright colours and fresh energy, you could explore how you’d establish and communicate this boundary in a fun and light way.


02 Choosing yourself.