Taking time away from it all.

Today is a reminder that it’s OK, and absolutely celebrated here within YCIA, to take time off and away from any healing, self development or growth work.

It’s OK and totally celebrated to tune out of the world and into a trashy (or great!) novel, or a new series, from the comfort of your bed or sofa.

It’s OK and totally celebrated to soak up time with loved ones, reminiscing and talking about future plans, eating all the good food, without giving the next steps of your chronic illness a second thought.

It’s OK and totally celebrated to do a bit of the active stuff and a bit of the hibernation stuff, taking your energy as it comes, and simply being.

Wherever you are right now, you get to visit any one of these places depending on how you feel in any given moment.  

You get to recharge those healing batteries.  You get to give up on it all for as long as you need, and return with a renewed energy for the next steps.  You get to trust that you’ve got your back; whatever true-to-you decisions you make are the best ones for you.

I’d love for you to really connect with how you’re going to celebrate time away from it all…


Your support network.