How are you going to celebrate?
Today is about celebrating yourself, just because.
It’s about celebrating the journey you’ve been on, and the one that lies ahead of you.
It’s about celebrating the past 12 weeks you’ve declared as yours.
It’s about celebrating the body you get to journey though life in.
It’s about celebrating your chronic illness as your ally and superpower.
It’s about celebrating how that perspective allows you to live the life you desire, your way.
Today is about claiming that celebration, and making a plan to do it in the most nourishing and fulfilling way.
Go ahead and close your eyes and drop into what all of that celebration means for you.
Move your breath into a slow, nourishing rhythm, in through your nose, letting everything go as you breathe out through your mouth.
Give your body a wiggle and a shake, releasing any stuck energy or tension.
Consciously relax your eyes, your jaw, your tongue, your ears, your shoulders and hands, your stomach.
Place one or both hands over your heart, directing gratitude and love inwards.
What do you want to thank yourself for?
How do you want to be here for yourself today?
Bring a slight smile to the corners of your mouth and repeat with me.
I thank my body.
I thank my chronic illness (you can name what it is it if it feels good to do so. e.g. I thank my eczema).
I’m grateful for the journey I get to move through in this life.
I celebrate who I am.
Sit with those affirmations for a while, repeating them for as long as you need to hear them.
Return to your breath, finding depth and slowing the pace.
Bring your hands together and rub them to create a little heat. Place them over your eyes, slightly spreading your fingers, and slowly open your eyes, letting some light in.
Relax your arms. Now it’s time to celebrate!
Journalling questions.
What’s something you want to celebrate today? Big or small…
How did you feel at the beginning of this journey?
What’s been your biggest learning, revelation or shift?
What would you like to say to the you at the start of this programme?
If you were to pick one thing to take forward with you, what would it be?
With your chronic illness superpower/ally hat on, what’s one thing you’re going to do next? And what’s the first step in making that happen?
How would you like to celebrate the person you are today? Think about this with indulgence, alignment, compassion, nourishment, joy and pleasure, front and centre.
What do you need to do to put that celebration into place? What’s one step you can take right now?