7 go-to phrases that’ll help you understand and talk about your chronic illness
There are so many parts of living with chronic illness - in the ‘typical’ way - that occur almost on autopilot. It’s not until you pan out a bit and look at what’s going on that you start to question it end wonder, hey, is this way of living really any good for me? This process is all part of moving towards a life where your chronic illness is your ally, guide and superpower. Where there are terms to explain the ‘mainstream’ way, there are naturally terms that explain the alternative.
I refer to these things in my writing and podcasting a lot, so I’ve given each one a name, honestly to make life a bit easier and to avoid having to explain what I mean every time! Think of this a bit like a chronic illness dictionary.
1.Chronic Illness Informed:
Referring to anything that takes into consideration your whole self (which includes your chronic illness). This could be the the way you plan your time, the way you absorb information, the kind of people you work with on your chronic illness journey, how to make your needs and wants work together…
Living in a Chronic Illness Informed way means asking a question in whatever you’re doing… how can I do this in a way that will support and nourish me more.
2.The Chronic Illness Rollercoaster:
The perpetual state of needing deep rest and recuperation followed by the short period of time where you feel good enough to do things, so you pack everything in, completely overworking and overcommitting yourself, followed by needing to take time for deep rest and recuperation.
Pssst…you can get off!
3.The Chronic Illness Struggle:
The belief that living with a chronic illness resigns you to a life of struggle. That everything will always be that little bit harder for you. That you have to continuously search for things that will heal you. The act of living in struggle; chasing, seeking, searching for a fix or the thing that will ‘heal you’ and feeling like you never find it. Or going against what your body needs from you, the intelligence of your chronic illness, and living out of alignment.
4.The Holy Trinity:
When support, opportunity and being ready/reaching ‘no more’ all come together to help you leave The Chronic Illness Struggle.
Pssst…you don’t need all 3 to leave!
5.The Chronic Illness Status Quo/Single Story:
The general consensus that says people who live with chronic illnesses are chronically ill, always struggling, don’t get to live a ‘normal life’ (whatever that means!), should fight, resist and reject their chronic illness and should do everything they can to silence it.
6.The 3Ts (of Chronic Illness):
When the whole picture of living with a chronic illness is taken into consideration, making for a healing journey that helps you flourish.
Treat: looks at treating symptoms to make day-to-day living easier.
Tell: looks at what your chronic illness is trying to tell you on a surface level. Examples: sleep more, reduce stress, laugh more, etc.
Teach: looks at what your chronic illness is teaching you at a more fundamental level. Examples: I’ve fallen into a pattern of living a certain way because X, which is really triggering for my chronic illness. I need to address X so that I don’t continue to live in this way, and can create space for deep healing.
7.The Overwhelm Triangle:
Not connecting to your intuition/inner healing wisdom x not connecting to/aligning with your wants and needs = overwhelm.